Friday, December 3, 2010

PSP Phone!

   Many of you may, or may not  know that Sony has been secretly developing a new hand held device. Now everyone has heard that thousands of times when it comes to Sony and it has always turned out to be the same thing, which was a remake, or resculpt of the original PSP, (PSP original, PSP "slim", PSP 3000, PSP Go). But it seems that Sony has finaly put out a system that is actualy "new".

  The PSP Phone has no current release date, but there is a great deal of information out on this phone/gaming sytem.  The PSP Phone (code name'd " Zeus Z1" will feature 2 cameras, one on the front and the other on the back of the system. This device will also have all of the buttons that were on the original PSP, as well as new buttons, who's purposes are still unknown. Until recently there were only pictures published of this new PSP Phone, now heres an actual video, check it out.
                   There is nothing wrong with your computer, there is just no audio in this video....

   So What do you think of the new PSP Phone? Is this just too little too late for Sony, or is Sony actualy making a turn around and finaly giving people a "New PSP" that is actualy new? Give your opinion in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. PSP phone? I dont think thats a good idea because theres already iphone and all that other stuff. And i would think that "phone" is just too complicated and wouldnt work as a phone. It is just a toy and a wierd one... Dsi and psp are a epic win and iphone... I dunno its cool but PSP phone is just too much. Btw Sony Eriksson kills the mood of psp feeling from it.

