Thursday, December 16, 2010

Naruto Chapter 421 + Spoilers!


  Naruto chapter 421 has been released! In the last chapter, Killer Bee began to teach Naruto a new move, the Tailed Beast Bomb. While training it is revealed that Naruto's father developed the Rasengan after seeing the the Nine Tailed Fox use the Beast Bomb technique. The Tailed Beadt Bomb is the technique Naruto uses when he's in Fox mode, it looks like a ball and then it grows, he then luanches it at his enemy.

  To read spoilers from the latest chapter click "Read More".

  In the Latest chapter Kabuto finishes up with Madara, who ''requested" that Kabuto tell him all there is to know about the Impure world Resurrection technique, including how to stop it. Kabuto says the only way to stop the technique is to force him to break the seal, and this can be achieved in various method, like using the Saringan.

  Kakashi and Sakura run into Haku and Zabuza! Zabuza acknowledges Sakura but seems to be more intersted in Naruto, by asking Kakashi " Hows that other kid? He doing okay?". Kakashi explains to Zabuza that they named the bridge he died on "The Great Naruto Bridge" and that the battle between them helped Naruto find his Ninja Way! Haku says that it could only be expected that Naruto will continue to grow even stronger. Zabuza and Haku dont even seem to remember Uchiha Sasuke, maybe because when they last saw him Sasuke was lying face down and was thought to of been killed by Haku.

  How ever, right after Kakashi and Zabuza meet once again, Kabuto grows even more powerful. Kabuto has captured Anko and is sucking up all of her Orochimaru chakra, which makes his Impure world technique even stronger! Zabuza feels this growth in power and ask's Kakashi to stop him!

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