Bleach Chapter 431 has been released! In chapter 430 Ichigo and Oriheme went to go see Uriyu in the hospital, who was badly injured (Arm chopped off) by a mistery human with specials powers like that of Oriheme, Chad, and Uriyus. This new mystery human wants to be the only human in town with and type of power and in order to achieve this goal he is willing to kill all humans who have a bit of un natural power!
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After visiting Uriyu in the Hospital, Ichigo decides to call Ginjou Kuugo, a new character in the Bleach series, but he does look alot like Renji... And his name "Ginjou" sounds alot like "GrimJow".... Rukia and a few other soul weapers are also in deguise as they do not want Ichigo to see them just yet, it seems....
Ichigo is contacting Mr. Ginjou, because he thinks he would be able to help find this new mystery human who wants to take out his friends. Mean while Ginjou reveals that he has a motive of his own and that is to revive Ichigos soul reaper powers....
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