Sunday, November 21, 2010

Youtube Sucks!!!

  Youtube is deleting the group section of it's site!!!! As of Dec 1st there will be no Youtube groups. Although they asure you that the group section will be back soon. Will you have to restart your favorite group, or will youtube give you your group's back? If you know then please let everyone else know. Does Youtube know how many people join and love those groups? Like me!!!! If you want to stay in touch with all your friends from youtube and more then join this blog. To becoome a member just click "subscribe via email" at the top of the page, you can also click "follow" if you want to comment on post and participate in poll's + more. Do you think it's okay for Youtube to just up and delete your favorite groups? Give your thought's in the comments.

                   Most of us like Youtube and I still do, but for now

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