Saturday, July 9, 2011

Naruto Shippuden Coming To An End?

   The Naruto Shippuden storyline seems to be moving forward fairly quickly, with the 4th Shinobi World War (A major conflict between the allied shinobi and the Akatsuki) taking place things are rapidly changing in the Naruto universe... This leaves many people wondering "Is Naruto coming to an end?" and the answer to that is 'No'....  Things may seem to be moving really fast in the Naruto Shippuden series, which they are, but there is still a lot that has to be accomplished...


                         Defeating Madara:
    The Raikage and Hokage have allowed Naruto to take on Madara Uchiha in a one on one battle, just as he was allowed to take on Pain, so you may see where this is going.... Naruto will with no doubt survive his battle with Madara, and it is very likely that Madara Uchiha will be defeated in the upcoming battle.  The Akatsuki leader has in his possession not only the Sharingan (Right eye), but the Rinnegan (left eye) as well, both of which Naruto has dealt with before...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dragonball AF Chapter 1

Here is the start of a new adventure in the land of Dragonball! While this series is not an official release, it will definitely satisfy the needs of any Dragonball fanatic. The story takes place not long after Dragonball GT, and reveals who has been plotting to destroy Goku ever since his battle with Frieza on planet Namek! The series is written and illustrated by 'Toyble'. A Japanese Mangaka, who is a big fan of Dragonall.
Here is a link to Toyble's official blog, Note: The following site is in Japanese...

To view the chapter click "Read More"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Comic Con Exclusive Figuarts Goku Special Color Edition!


   This year at Comic Con you can expect to see lots of exclusive's, but one that really stands out form the crowd is S.H Figuarts Super Saiyan Son Goku *Special Repainted Edition*. The figure has the same mold as the original, but with the addition of of a new paint job. New shading has been added to the clothing, and the skin which brings out his muscle detail, but the most noticeable additional detail to this figure are the new shadow details in the hair.

  This figure still has all of the original articulation and sculpt as the first release, and may cost a bit more than the other three counter parts *Gohan, Piccolo, SS Goku*, Although I'm sure that to all of you hard core collectors out there it's well worth it. Here are some images of the figure.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bleach Soul Ignition Demo GamePlay *6 Minutes*

                                            6 minutes of Bleach Soul Ignition Gameplay.
What do you think of this game? Share your voice in the comment section.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bleach Soul Resurrection Trailer!


                          This game will be release in the US on august 2011 on the Playstation3.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Illustrate Planet Vegeta!

    An interesting video to say the least, the method used is simple and quite effective as well. Now you can learn to make your very own Planet Vegeta.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Naruto Shippuden Episode 202 Preview!

Check out this awesome preview for the next episode of Naruto Shippuden!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One Piece 3DS Trailer!


  One Piece for the 3DS.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Best Anime Fights!

  An awesome amv by DevilSpike showing some of the best anime fight scenes of recent time! Check it out, and be sure to subscribe!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Naruto Kage Summit Arc Trailer!

The offcial trailer for the Naruto Kage Summit Arc has been released. For those of you who dont read the Naruto Manga, the Kage Summit arc is a summit of all the Kages as they join forces in order to make a plan to defeat the Akatsuki. Looks pretty good, the animation looks as good as its ever been, especially considering the fact that this is Naruto, a show known for crapy animation, see our other article "Naruto Episode 167 Win Or Fail?

Bleach 438 Is out!

Bleach chapter 438 has been released! Ichigo uses his fullbring and defeats his enemy, mean while Oriheme's into a sticky situation with Shishigawari, thwe person who attacked Uriyu. Check it out!

Naruto Chapter 529!

           Naruto Chapter 529 has been released. Naruto has realized that somethings going on, I mean really, how long did they expect him to sit on that giant turtle?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sasuke VS Kakashi : Fan animation!

  The fight that every one cant wait to see, Sasuke vs Kakashi! Now, this is not the official fight, the following video is a fan animation which was done by a group of great Youtube animators and voice actors. The Naruto Shippuden series has currently seen 20 consecutive episodes of filler as of February 15 2011, This has pushed the official release date of the Sasuke VS Kakashi fight back even further, but not to worry as your need have been met, check out this awsome Sasuke vs Kakashi fan animation!


The animation and voice acting is top notch! The user who put this whole thing together is here
Make sure to subscribe to this blog and to smyton4tw of Youtube!
Also feel free to start a discussion in the forum section of Animeheadline

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Naruto Chapter 527!

   Naruto chapter 527 has been released! The mysteries of the twin tailed fox brother are finally explained in this awesome new chapter!

Bleach Chapter 436

  Ichigo is at risk of being burned alive if he tries to escape the toy house that he has been put in...
The bear that he as to defeat in order to reach his fullbringing has gotten even stronger. Check out the action now at!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Free Dragonball Z Episodes!

  Funimation now has the rights to the official online streaming of everyones favorite anime series "Dragonball Z".
These are the original Dragonball Z episodes which are dubbed in english. Well, it looks like there will be no more searching youtube and myspace for DBZ episodes, because now their here! Whether or not these episodes are uncut o is still not clear, but you can always check out what  has to say about it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bleach Chapter 434 Has Been Released!


Just when we thought things were begging to be normal for our now 17 year old friend things get much stranger than ever before.
Ichigo encounters a group of humans who each have their own special power. This group wishes to give their power to Ichigo so that they may become like ordinary humans. Is this a childish goal, or is it actually possible?...

Naruto Chapter 525!


  The Naruto series is certainly picking up pace as Kabuto's reincarnated Shinobi clash with the Joint Shinobi Alliance! Naruto and Killer Bee still have no idea that a war has even been started and remain on the Turtle Island while Naruto continues his training to learn a new technique "The Tailed Beast Bombs!".
  Haku and Zabuza asked for Kakashi to stop them right before they became under Kabuto's complete control and stop them they did. Haku and Zabuza have been detained and cannot be resummoned.

  Kakashi has stated that he is now going on a ragin rampage while in possession of his new weapon, the "Kubikiri Houcho" the sword Zabuza once possessed!